Participating in COP 14 excites me because I will be observing and discussing together with my IFSA colleagues the global policies that are taken around the protection and conservation of biodiversity. – Javier, Mexico

I am interested in this conference because it will talk about biodiversity policy and new breakthroughs to maintain Biodiversity in the future. I want to know more information about the development of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 until now. I think I can learn, have new experience and knowledge by meeting people with different background, education, thinking, and incredible ideas. – Angga, Indonesia
Global climate change, land degradation through deficits in land use practices and fragmentation, habitat loss and invasive species are phenomena with a global reach. Activities on a local level in a globalized world have an impact internationally and on the other hand, common heritage benefits (f.e. the conservation of biodiversity for future generations) are conflicting with local access to resources and territory. This worldwide entanglement of causes and effects, partly unequal rights and divergent interests of different stakeholder’s can´t be anymore solved by single states. For me the CBD enables a platform, where ideas and knowledges can be exchanged, debates about differentiated responsibilities take place, participatory and transparent processes are enacted and internationally binding policies with national impacts can be negotiated. I believe that the CBD, as a convention and platform, enables a necessary dialogue in a world which depends on cooperation. – Frederik, Germany
I am looking forward to attend the UN’s COP14 because I want to gain expert knowledge on biological diversity, networking with with professionals from different regions, get to know the different species of different regions of the world and improve my communication skills. – Thembela, South Africa
As the Forest Management Officer for my community forest, I face a lot of challenges from my predecessor. Attending COP14 will give me the opportunity to learn how to counter biodiversity challenges. This includes sustainable utilization of prunus through the benefit sharing mechanism, and in the adoption of other green forest management approaches such as bee farming. I am excited because it will enable me to showcase my development work, and to connect to people who share interests and missions so that I can leverage support for my community in the preservation of their biodiversity. My expectation is to meet other biodiversity preservers who share a common vision and to develop a network to scale my venture of preserving nature and biodiversity through implementing the resolutions of COP14. This includes lack of technical knowhow about reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation, as well as creating opportunities for carbon financing, thereby making my impact felt by my community and the rest of the world. – Derek, Cameroon
I am looking forward to representing IFSA at a UN CBD Conference, visiting Egypt, and developing my understanding of biodiversity with fellow students and colleagues. The theme of the conference is “Investing in biodiversity for people and planet”. This will be a great learning opportunity and experience! – Liz, Canada Delegation Head

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