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  • How are new insights in forestry implemented into practice?
  • How can forest and agricultural policies be intertwined in a future-proof way?
  • Is the Common Agricultural Policy in line with the European Green Deal?
  • How can forest policy tackle climate change?
  • How can a bottom-up approach in policy implementation be useful to manage complex phenomena like land abandonment?

These questions and many more can arise when thinking about forest policy in Europe. Policies are powerful and necessary tools that guide decisions to achieve common goals like sustainable and resilient forests. However, to achieve these goals, they have to be well-designed.

During this webinar in English, 3 keynote speakers will help us to understand the jungle of current and future European forest policies.

Zoom meeting
ID: 996 2982 2945
Password: 843279
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  • Short introduction by IFSA LC’s
  • ‘Nature forest and agricultural policies intertwined’ by Prof. Myriam Dumortier (UGent)
  • ‘Climate change governance: forest and nature conservation’ by Dr. Jelena Nedeljkovic (University of Belgrade)
  • ‘Land abandonment and spontaneous reforestation: policies and people’ by Theresa Frei (European Forest Institute)
  • Panel discussion: shoot your questions!

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