Interregional Call

Latin America meets Southern Europe

On Jan 23, 2022, the regions of Latin America and Southern Europe met together on a video call to get to know each other, learn about each other’s culture, forestry, food, and more!

Group photo of interregional call: Latin America meets Southern Europe

Group photo of interregional call: Latin America meets Southern Europe

Thanks to the organization of the Regional Representatives from both regions (Sara and Bora from Southern Europe, Steve and Benjamin from Latin America), up to 30 people from both regions joined, and managed to enjoy a small icebreaker in breakout rooms, where they discussed similarities and differences and used their creativity to make their Jamboard look the coolest of all.

Jamboard winner from Icebreaker

Jamboard winner from Icebreaker

Afterwards, Southern Europe gave a presentation about the region, sharing information from IFSA to all the different foods and forest share they have. Then Latin America’s turn came, also sharing how the region has been doing in IFSA, culture, and some of their wonders of the world.

At the end, a small quiz took place, with questions about each presentation, and the winner was our beloved Head of CDC, Jazmin Lopez.

Quiz winner: Jazmín Lopez, head of CDC

Quiz winner: Jazmín Lopez, head of CDC

People loved having the chance to interact with members from another region and to also learn about everything they have to offer! And hoped there can be more spaces like this one.

Written by: Steve Guzmán (Latin America Regional Representative)