Official of the Month – January 2024

SK Abidurrahman and Fiana Eka Aprilia

Asia-Pacific Regional Representatives 2023-2024


Abidur and Fiana had started this year strong by carrying out outstanding performances as the Asia Pacific Regional Representatives. Their solid collaboration with each other sparked a spirit within the region through regional projects, such as coffee hours and an inter-regional call with Latin America, providing their members opportunities to actively engage with each other on a local and global level. Aside from that, they began to continue the β€œTree of the Week” and initiated a new project of β€œLet’s See Our LC!” led by Fiana, where members can further understand LC projects and tree species within the region. On the other hand, Abidur plays a significant role in approaching and establishing regional partners. Both RRs have also been actively involved in MD meetings and projects. The Board wishes to award Abidur and Fiana the title of ‘Official of the Month’ for January 2024. Keep up the exceptional work! πŸŽ‰