As the world’s largest students’ network of forestry and related sciences, the International Forestry Students’ Association seeks to pursue sustainable and healthy environments globally, hence reflected in its vision- a world that appreciates forests.

We are cognisant of the fact that all inhabitants of Earth deserve to live on a better planet. As such, we strongly recognise the current global climate change emergency and the immediate need for making positive changes to fight crisis. Revolving around our scope of focus, we acknowledge the important and invaluable role forests play in addressing the prevailing Global Climate crisis.

Believing in the power of numbers to build synergy in our efforts and the unceasing hope that together we can halt the prevailing climate crisis, we support and encourage fellow IFSA members to stand up for positive change in their respective locations and communities, to be a part of the global climate change movements and make a difference. Show your support by engaging in the global schools for climate movement and sharing your stories or photos on social media. Together we can make a difference. Together we can create a brighter future.

IFSA is a non-political, non-profit and non-religious organisation and as such IFSA does not support any political, religious and for-profit agendas relating to this debate but rather the overall importance of addressing the global climate crisis. IFSA encourages its members to refrain from pursuing such agendas that are in violation of IFSA’s values and purpose of this statement.

We are the change we are looking for!

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