The Little Book of Green Nudges

Are you interested in influencing sustainable behaviour champs on your campus? The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) invites IFSA LCs to check out The Little Book of Green Nudges which was launched in September 2020 at the World Academic Summit. UNEP is now calling on universities around the world to take part in its pilot phase.

What is the Little Book of Green Nudges?

The Little Book of Green Nudges is a quick guide to reducing your campus’ environmental impact through behaviour change. It summarises the evidence around what nudges work best while seeking to encourage more sustainable practices among students and staff across several behavioural categories. It also provides simple guidance on how to implement and evaluate behavioural interventions in a variety of contexts.

How to get Involved

You can sign your local committee up to be part of the pilot phase. This means that you will select at least one green nudge from “The Little Book of Green Nudges” and implement it on your campus. You will then let us know how it went, what the challenges were and basically give us any feedback that you might have. This will help other universities navigate the nudge implementation process through the sharing of best practices.

Being part of the pilot phase will involve a series of steps:

1. Nominate your campus
2. Join the launch call in November
3. Choose your nudges and submit your commitment and implementation plan
4. Invite other universities to join you
5. Implement your nudge and join the Green Campus calls
6. Monitor & share progress
7. Evaluate
8. Share results

For more information on the booklet and the pilot phase, check out the website here and you can read the full publication here.

Feel free to contact IFSA’s Head of the UN Environment Sub-Commission via for further inquiries