Cultural Day of India

By: Kyle Joseph Quijano

Head of Cultural Competencies Sub-Commission

The final Cultural Day for this term was held last July 31, 2022, at 1 pm UTC+0, where members of the International Forestry Students’ Association (IFSA) from all over the world gathered and learned about the beautiful country of India. Members of IFSA LC FRI with Neektia Urang, Ashlista Tanwar, and Esha Mitra leading the way, gave a presentation that takes on their country’s history and geography, showcased interesting facts about forestry in India, showed just how diverse and color-filled their culture and food is, and shared unique facts about their beloved country.

The Cultural Competencies Sub-Commission hosts this once-a-month event for different cultures. Stan tuned for something special is coming next month, as the Cultural Competencies Sub-Commission is preparing something for their final event for this term. 


