IFSA Campaign is an annual IFSA-LC IPB activity in Village Concept Project (VCP) Commission, focusing on forestry and environmental awareness among the general public and students. This year’s campaign revolves around the theme of Sustainable Waste Management. The initiative addresses the pressing issue of improper waste disposal on the IPB campus, as there is still a significant number of students who are unaware and unconcerned about the management of waste.

The campaign involves the active participation of IPB sudents from various faculties. The event featured insightful talk shows on waste management, with Mr. Agus Amperanoto, the Assistant Director of Environmental Cleanliness Management at the DUI IPB Campus, sharing expertise. A talk show on Carbon Trade Garbage was also conducted, featuring M. Irchas Sukabudhi, the Deputy of Patera Foundation and a collaborator with IFSA in this endeavor.

In addition to the informative sessions, participants engaged in a waste management tour at Taman Selamat. This tour aimed to provide firsthand insights into waste management practices, including the processes of compost manufacturing, conblocks production, and the creation of ecobricks. Through these activities, the IFSA Campaign seeks to foster a greater understanding and concern for sustainable waste management practices among the student body at IPB.

This year’s IFSA Campaign was held on Sunday, 22 October 2023 at Semangat Park IPB from 8.00–12.00 WIB. With the theme said above, the objectives of this campaign are to grow the awareness of regarding the proper management of waste on the IPB Dramaga campus, enhance the involvement of younger generations in waste management in IPB Dramaga campus, and raise awareness among the younger generation about the adverse impacts of poorly managed waste on the IPB Dramaga campus.

The activity commenced with 22 enthusiastic participants. The event kicked off with an opening ceremony, featuring a comprehensive report from the chief executive and insightful remarks from the President of IFSA LC-IPB. The focal point of the day unfolded in a talk show that delved into the critical themes of waste management on campus and Carbon Trade Waste. Each segment was expertly presented by two resource persons, with each talk lasting for 45 minutes.

Following the engaging discussions, participants embarked on a tour dedicated to the management of rubbish in Park Spirit. To enhance efficiency and foster focused engagement, the participants were divided into three teams, each dedicated to specific aspects of waste management. This strategy allowed for a more in-depth exploration of each post.

Upon the completion of the waste management tour, participants engaged in an Ice Breaking session designed to rekindle enthusiasm. Post-activity, participants were tasked with a unique campaign initiative—managing rubbish through the dissemination of videos on Instagram stories. Participants were given the freedom to choose from three video types: (1) a Daily Vlog, capturing the journey from departure to participation in talk show sessions and waste management activities; (2) a Waste Management Vlog, showcasing the entire process of waste management, from inception to the creation of something valuable; or (3) A Piece of Knowledge, offering a video review of the materials presented by the resource persons and expressing impressions gained during the I-Camp activity in Park Spirit.

To earn a certificate of activity participation, participants were required to adhere to the guidelines provided by the organizing committee when uploading their videos. The success indicators for this activity include participants’ comprehension of the significance of waste management, particularly within the IPB Dramaga campus. This understanding is measured through both the theoretical knowledge conveyed during the talk show and the practical applications demonstrated in the subsequent tour posts.

Author: Serly Wijayanti

Activity documentation: